LPAD General Assembly – 8 April 2011

LPAD GENERAL ASSEMBLY was a success. The picture shows the re elected officers and committee members. Important guests and press made the night memorable. Hon Philppine Consul Alain Kinsch spoke about the bilateral relations between Luxembourg and Philippines and how the former will assist the microfinance programs.He lso mentioned that the Filipino community in Luxembourg is much appreciated bythe government for ther good behavior as residence. Phil Embassy Consul Ecraela spoke about the different programs and presented the labor Officer Mrs Oliveira who in turn mentioned the assistance of labor office for OFWs issues in Europe.The event was published in Lux Wort newspaper last April 15.Activities report 2010 and upcoming events and projects were announced by me as secretarywhile Edward Cardew presented the financial report. Eventually, the incumbent president Mr Schmitz has finished his term and new one will be appointed this year. Mindanao projects such as Solar Energy and Mangrove reforestation will be co organized by two NGOs, WEGA and CHL.
Date: 22nd February 2025 at 17:30
Location: Parc Hotel Alvisse
120 rte d’echternach 1453 Luxembourg